
Rejection and How to Thrive in Spite of It
Posted 05/01/2018 by Karina O. in Youth Voice

“Thank you for applying to our University.  I’m sorry to inform you that we are unfortunately unable to offer you admission at this time.” Sound familiar? As a senior in high school, I have been applying to so many colleges this year and I’m not going to lie, I have received my fair share of rejection letters. This year, I received more rejection letters than acceptance letters, and that is never a nice feeling.

After I had finished opening all my rejection letters I sat down, shed a few tears, then told myself that those were the only tears I would cry over this lost opportunity. Yes, I was extremely disappointed, but I also knew that my time and energy would be better spent looking forward to my future instead of crying over what ifs.

Rejection is a hard thing to accept, whether it comes in the form of a missed job opportunity, scholarship rejections, not getting into the college you wanted, or even the rejection that comes from friends and family. The feeling that someone thought you were “not good enough” can make one rethink their goals and dreams. Rejection can make even the toughest person insecure about themselves and who they are. I don’t know if what I am writing is resonating with you, but if it is then what I have to say next is for you.

Rejection can be rejected.


Now, I am not talking about calling up that college or job and demanding that they give you admission or hire you because you don’t agree with their decision (although you could do that, I just don’t know how successful you will be). I am talking about not letting rejection hinder your spirit and tenacity.

Rejection can stifle creativity, productivity, and drive, but only if you give it the power to do so. You are a strong, determined and unique individual. Use your gifts to achieve your goals and dreams and don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy. Rejection is a sign that you were unafraid to take a chance. It should not be seen as a failure but as a chance to try again. This time you are a little bit different, a little more mature and a whole lot more passionate about your hopes and dreams. Never let the fear of rejection or rejection itself stop you from believing in yourself and chasing your dreams.


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