Mona Dixon

Mona Dixon, Boy & Girls Clubs of America 2010-2011 National Youth of the Year, Congratulates the Class of 2020

As a Club Member, You are Destined to be Great
Posted 05/20/2020 by Mona Dixon in Alumni

You have achieved a great milestone, and you should be very proud of yourself. Celebrate how far you have come and the beginning of your new chapter. The whole country is celebrating with you. 

When you overcome this time in your lives, you’ll be stronger on the other side. You will have gone through a roadblock that will prepare you to adapt, when things don’t go as planned in the future. You’ll be resilient and have the ability to bounce back from downturns. You’ll be able to help others persevere through their own setbacks as well.

Give 100% in all that you do, and I promise that you will be successful. You get out what you put in, so don’t leave anything on the table.

As a Club member, you are destined to be great.

Your graduation is not cancelled. Nothing can take away from you all of your hard work, your late nights, or any of your obstacles. No one can undermine the foundation of success that you have achieved so far. You are and will continue to be great.

Celebrate the Class of 2020

Graduation may look different this year, but it is not cancelled for all the Club seniors who’ve beaten the odds to get here. As we continue to help make graduation possible for more kids, help celebrate this year’s graduates by signing their graduation card.


Sign the card button



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