
The possibilities are endless as long as you are willing to put yourself out there.

The Intern Life
Posted 12/17/2019 by Cassidy L. in Youth Voice

Being a college student is daunting. Working while being a college student - daunting. Trying to do an internship and/or a job while being a college student – even more daunting.

A word of advice: do a summer internship!

While true, an internship and/or job can be daunting but they are really valuable and worth the effort. I know that a lot of people get stopped at the thought of “Where do I even find an internship?” Believe me, I know. The struggle is real, my friends. But it’s not as hard as it sounds. I am a junior in college and I have so far completed one internship and have three more lined up.

Doing just one internship can make all the difference on your resume and that’s totally achievable. If you feel stuck finding one, these are great places to start: google internships in your area (duh!), ask your teachers/professors if they know of any internships, ask your school’s college/career center, and lastly, use your professional network and don’t be afraid to reach out for opportunities. I have even seen an entire internship program created just because a student had the courage to ask. Basically, the possibilities are endless as long as you are willing to put yourself out there.

If you do multiple internships, I also recommend trying out different fields. For example, my internship journey will include: marketing and media work for a nonprofit, communication for state government, financial representation for a company, digital media at another nonprofit, and leadership training programs for my final internship. They’re all different, but the point is to gain new skills and grow my strengths - that’s what an internship is all about. All of this to say: wherever you are, whatever you’re studying, whoever you want to be when you grow up, and however you want to get there, internships will help you along the way - go out there and make it happen!



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